Why do you give apples on Christmas Eve?

Every year on Christmas Day, Santa Claus rides on the constellation Aries, and the Holy Child comes to the world with a Christmas tree in hand. As the world changes, writers and artists begin to describe Santa Claus as the famous red man we are familiar with today, but Christians do deliver apples on Christmas Eve. habit, but that was after church services.
Christmas Eve is coming, Apple’s “dress” quietly conveys “peace” blessings
The day before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve has not yet arrived, a gift called “peaceful fruit” began to be passed quietly in the hands of people.
It is understood that “Ping An Fruit” is dressed up with imported apples with bright colors and good-looking appearance, most of which are red snake fruit and green snake fruit. Of course, there are also domestic red Fuji apples that are packaged as “Ping An Fruit”. of. It is said that “Peace Fruit” symbolizes peace and harmony. The reason why “Apple” is the first choice for “Peace Fruit” is that the pronunciation of “Apple” is taken.
It is said that the fruit merchant’s dress up as “Peace Fruit” was inspired by young people. At the beginning, some young people bought one or two imported apples, and then took them to the gift shop and packed them, ready to be used as gifts for good friends on Christmas Eve. This “business opportunity” was immediately captured by shrewd businessmen.
Most of the teenagers are interested in this new thing. They all feel that it is worth giving a gift with the meaning of “peace” to a friend with 5 yuan. It seems that on Christmas Eve, while quietly passing the “safe fruit” in the hands of people, it is also passing on a beautiful blessing.
However, it is said that the custom of giving Ping An fruit on Christmas Eve is unique in China. Because Chinese people pay more attention to homophony, for example, on the night of the bridal chamber, they put peanuts, red dates and lotus seeds under the quilt, which means “early (dates) to give birth to precious sons”. Ping An Night is Christmas Eve, Christmas is December 25th, and Christmas Eve is the night of December 24th.
The “ping” of apple is homophonic with the “ping” of peace, so the Chinese people use the auspicious meaning of apple “safe”. So there is the custom of giving apples on Christmas Eve. Sending apples means that the person who sends them blesses those who receive the fruit. A peaceful and prosperous year.

Post time: May-27-2022

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